The library relied on both Base and Band Data libraries. I have only implemented the commands that can be useful for external devices synchronization, mostly amplifiers and dynamic antennas
controller. I do not own any of these devices so I did tests using other software like Omnirig and LOG4om. It seems it works nicely, but be careful, you have to do your own test.
The library also does not implement any set command but only the commands required from other devices to get the radio status.
Below you can see the actual command list:
FA; - Reads Slice receiver A frequency
FB; - Reads Slice receiver B frequency.
IF; - Reads Transceiver Status
FR; - Receive VFO
FT; - Transmit VFO
AI; - Auto Information Mode
ZZFA; - Reads Slice receiver A frequency
ZZFB; - Reads Slice receiver B frequency
ZZIF; - Reads Slice Receiver A DSP filter
Simply download the zip archive you find below and extract it in your Arduino libraries directory. Be sure to have already installed the Basic Library and the Band Data Library.
For more information read the paragraph "Manual Installation" on the following link. In the same library directory you'll find a basic Example that will help you to test your enviroment. Open the example in
Arduino IDE and load it. You shold be able to enable CAT communication with other CAT devices.
RS232-TTL converter
Simply connect the TTL converter to Arduino DUE Serial3 Rs232 port using the following schema:
Arduino Due |
RS232-TTL Converter |
3.3 V |
TX3 |
RX |
RX3 |
TX |
Now, your slave device can be connected directly to the RS232-TTL port.
Before you turn on Arduino you have to set the corret COM port speed (9600, 19200, 38400, etc.) and upload the sketch to the Arduino board.
When Arduino is started, it connects to the flexRig and then opens the COM port. Your device now can comunicate using the CAT commands and a physical RS232 serial port.