New! December 15th - 2024
Preamble: Morserino32 Player application was asked me by a friend of mine Luciano Blasi, I0JBL, President of the ARI ROMA Ham Radio Club. It was for the last MAKER FAIR ROME 2024 event held in Rome in October 2024.
As it happened in the previous 2023 event, many children, teenagers and adults who never used a telegraph key was able to listen and to send correct Morse code despite they weren't ham radio operators. It was a great success and, as usually, a great credit goes to Willi Kraml, OE1WKL for its great Morserino32 device.
Morserino32 Player is a very simple utility aimed primarily at children and beginners who want to learn telegraphy in a fun and entertaining way without using a radio. All that is needing is a computer equipped with a sound card, Morserino32 and one or two morse keys.
Note: if you are an ham radio operator and are planning to learn the Morse Code I suggest you start using CW Trainer for Morserino.
New! September 27th - 2024
Un'altra utilissima guida a cura di Max IU4JNR.In vista del prossimo contest CQ WW RTTY sarà molto facile attrezzare la propria stazione con EESDR3 e QARTEST.
Buon divertimento
73' de iw7dmh
New! April 29th - 2024
A useful guide written by Max IU4JNR on how to configure a SunSDR for N1MM and QARTEST contest logs.
New! April 8th - 2024
Let's see how we can add a very powerful panadapter to our rigs!
All credits go to Max IU4JNR.
News: 2022-12-02
Bureau Finder is a very smart utility that can help you to find the Country Bureau of your QSL. It can simplify the heavy job of your QSL Manager as well.
News: 2022-10-08
In the 2022-10-08 firmware release the SunnyBoard added a TCI automatic antenna switch control. All that you need is an additional MCP23017 port extender that you will connect on the Esp32s I2C pins. The schematic is the same used for the lttle Display device – Just connect in parallel the MCP23017 with the Display. In this way you can add up to 16 ports that can drive your own switching circuit or that you can plug in a cheap 8/16 ports Arduino relay boards.
News: 2022-09-12
The new library implements all the TCI 1.9 commands and is based on FreeRTOS, the real-time operating system for microcontrollers.
Update: 2022-06-10 - Released the new Sunnboard device
Together with my friend Ivan IZ0JNY we developed the Sunnyboard, a device that can work with your SunSDR rig or any other TCI-enabled rig. It is an advanced CAT interface card that connects via Wi-Fi to your network and, via TCI protocol, provides CAT control for your amplifier, your dynamic antenna controller or an automatic antenna switch. All this without additional personal computer.
The software project is based on my opensource TCI-libraries while the hardware is entirely developed by Ivan De Cesaris.
The idea behind our project is to allow anyone to build their own Sunnyboard. Anyway we are aware that not everyone has the equipment and the skill to solder SMD or THT components, therefore, in such a case, we have provided solutions that can adapt to all the needs.
News: 2021-12-30
Thank to Massimiliano, IU4JNR, we have a very useful guide on how to configure the SunSDR2 with the ACOM 600S/700S/1200S amplifiers.
News: 2021-12-07
A new Flag Antenna project inspired by the PY3AGD design, Clovis from Brazil.
It works very well on lower HF bands.
Grazie al pregevole lavoro di Francesco, IZ8NWA, è disponibile il manuale di SDC in lingua italiana.
Il file può essere scaricato da link riportato di seguito.
The new release of CW-Trainer for Morserino 32 is ready. In the last year I collected most of the requests I received from many friends and I decided to develop a new program from scratch.
The new CW-Trainer is a multi-plaform program (already tested on Windows and Linux Ubuntu, now testing on Raspberry Pi), multi-skin and it will provide different learning programs.
I developed a smart solution for a Prosistel "D" remote control system. It is a follow up of my two previous projects but this time isn't required any additional devices or dedicated software. For RS232 communication you'll need a virtual serial port driver so you can definitively remove the rs232 cable from "D" controller and computer. All data exchange will happen over wi-fi network.
The beauty of the project is that you can always access the web control system even if the rotator is controlled by another program.
I am happy to point you out the Remote SDR project –
2020 by Dale, VK5DC.
Dale designed and developed a full remote control system for his Anan 100D SDR based station. In addition to all the other components, he is using the SW Keyer you can find here.
Please give a look at Dale web site for additional informations and more complete instructions: he added some additional and very useful informations about RPI requirements and configuration you
can't find here.
Give also a look at his very nice travel page :)
Best 73'
Luca IK5XLB, durante la costruzione del suo amplificatore lineare, ha eseguito alcune misurazioni molto interessanti sul SunSDR2-PRO e sullo Yaesu FT857De per scongiurare la rottura dello stadio finale LDMOS. L'articolo che potete leggere di seguito è il resoconto dell'analisi che Luca ha condiviso nel gruppo italiano SunSDR. E' interessante notare come le misure sul ragio SunSDR2-PRO siano praticamente perfette e come, nell'utilizzo dell'FT817De, il circuito di protezione di DJ0ABR impedisca che gli spike di potenza raggiungano l'amplificatore LDMOS.
Looking on Internet for a fixed RF attenuator I found a nice one based on the Peregrine PE43702 chip. In the article I'll show you how to build a programmable attenuator using Arduino.
In this video I am going to install ExpertSDR2 and SDC on Linuc Ubuntu. As you can see it is a very simple task.
During the installation you'll need a icon file that can't find in the official program archives.
Anyway you can download and unofficial xpm file from my dropbox. It can do the job as well.
I made this simple project after having purchased the Elecraft W2 wattmeter. Using my SunSDR Pro2 remotely, I needed to read the power actually transmitted by my EB300 linear amplifier (by
Since the amplifier does not have its own control program I thought I'd read data coming from the W2 serial port and send them over a network connection to a remote client.
Realizzata la guida per i contest SSB con 5M Contest.Vai alla pagina
Published the SSB Contest guide for 5M Contest Open page
CW Trainer for Morserino 32 is a Windows application that helps you to practice with telegraphy using Morserino 32. From Version 2.2 of Morserino firmware there is a new option to output keyed and/or decoded characters on USB. (open page for more informations)
The new TCI Arduino libraries are based on the SunSDR TCI 1.3 protocol specification.
With it you can quickly and easily develop hardware devices that can interact with ExpertSDR 2. Open page