New! December 15th - 2024
Preamble: Morserino32 Player application was asked me by a friend of mine Luciano Blasi, I0JBL, President of the ARI ROMA Ham Radio Club. It was for the last MAKER FAIR ROME 2024 event held in Rome in October 2024.
As it happened in the previous 2023 event, many children, teenagers and adults who never used a telegraph key was able to listen and to send correct Morse code despite they weren't ham radio operators. It was a great success and, as usually, a great credit goes to Willi Kraml, OE1WKL for its great Morserino32 device.
Morserino32 Player is a very simple utility aimed primarily at children and beginners who want to learn telegraphy in a fun and entertaining way without using a radio. All that is needing is a computer equipped with a sound card, Morserino32 and one or two morse keys.
Note: if you are an ham radio operator and are planning to learn the Morse Code I suggest you start using CW Trainer for Morserino.
New! September 27th - 2024
Un'altra utilissima guida a cura di Max IU4JNR.In vista del prossimo contest CQ WW RTTY sarà molto facile attrezzare la propria stazione con EESDR3 e QARTEST.
Buon divertimento
73' de iw7dmh